pGDT (graphic display) NA

General characteristics
The pGD graphic display is an electronic device that is compatible with the previous PCOI/PCOT line terminals; it allows complete management of graphics by the display of icons (defined at an application software development level), as well as the management of international fonts, in two sizes: 5x7 and 11x15 pixels. The application software resides on the pCO board, and therefore the terminal does not require any additional software for operation. Furthermore, the terminals feature a wide operating temperature range (-20T60 °C) and the front panel ensures a high index of protection (IP55).
Technical Leaflets
* Entries are ordered by date
Code Description Language Date * Release Code +050001180 Description PGD0000T00 - pCO display grafico / pCO graphic display Language ENG ITA Date 13/10/2008 Release 1.1
* Entries are ordered by date
Code Description Language Date * Release Code +302240670 Description Industria del vino Sistemi per il controllo di temperatura e umidità Language ITA Date 28/05/2009 Release 1.0 Code +302240671 Description Wine industry Temperature and humidity control systems Language ENG Date 28/05/2009 Release 1.0